Academic Coaching
Meet one-on-one with an Academic Coach to work on optimizing your learning experience.
Background photo of a student meeting with an academic coach.
ARC academic coaching is an individualized, goal-oriented collaboration between an experienced coach and a student. With the support of an academic coach, students can identify and design more effective approaches to goal setting, time management, organization, resource utilization, communication, reading, note-taking, exam preparation, and more.
Why would a student meet with an academic coach?
- To set goals that matter to them.
- To get help with adjusting to college or graduate school.
- To work on building better academic habits.
- To sort out their schedules.
- To find the resources they need.
- To strategize around balancing the many different demands on their time (both work and fun).
- To support their transition back to campus after a leave.
- And many more reasons!
How does academic coaching work?
- Students can schedule a 45-minute appointment with an Academic Coach through the ARC Scheduler.
- Students can choose how they would like to meet with an Academic Coach; in person in the ARC at 1414 Mass Ave or virtually via Zoom.
- Students may sign up for only one coaching session per week.
Who is eligible for academic coaching at the ARC?
- Enrolled degree candidates in Harvard College, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard Kennedy School, and Harvard Extension School.
- Harvard Extension School admitted ALB and ALM degree candidates and Pre-medical Program participants should complete an ARC referral form and send it to Sue Albrigo for additional guidance.
To schedule an appointment with an Academic Coach, please log into the ARC Scheduler with your HarvardKey.
Student Support
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