Students sit in a circle at the ARC.

Accountability Hours and Groups

We offer coach-facilitated accountability groups that will help you get your work done more effectively.

Background photo of students sitting in the ARC lounge.

Joining an accountability session is an effective strategy for getting work done because accountability sessions leverage social support and impose structure on tasks that might otherwise seem isolating or unstructured. Social support comes from the mutual commitment group members make to show up and do the work. Structure comes from the agreement to meet at regularly scheduled times. Productivity comes from participants sharing their progress, stating their current goals, and articulating their next steps. 

What happens at an ARC accountability session? Students come together for 45 to 60 minutes of focused, quiet work. Before that work starts and after it ends, an Academic Coach facilitates a 5- to 10-minute check-in for students to state their goals for the session and report on their progress and what they plan to do next. 

Who is eligible to register for accountability sessions at the ARC?

  1. Enrolled Harvard College students are eligible to register for Accountability Hours.
  2. Enrolled degree candidates in the Harvard Griffin Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and Harvard Kennedy School, are eligible to register for Accountability Groups.

Upcoming Accountability Hours for College Students

Upcoming Accountability Groups for Graduate Students

  • How to Read an Academic Article in 15 Minutes This workshop will provide strategies for reading academic articles quickly and extracting the information you need from them effectively. We’ll also offer tips on efficient note-taking so that you remember what you’ve read long after you put the article down. Time […]
  • Productivity to PhD Do you want to make significant progress on your prospectus, dissertation, or other research or writing project in January? With a wide-open schedule and reduced social support, how can you be sure you will get down to work each day? Easy! Register for Productivity to PhD, set […]
  • Productivity to PhD Do you want to make significant progress on your prospectus, dissertation, or other research or writing project in January? With a wide-open schedule and reduced social support, how can you be sure you will get down to work each day? Easy! Register for Productivity to PhD, set […]

Harvard University welcomes individuals with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities. Anyone with a disability who would like to request accommodations or who has questions about physical access may email the Academic Resource Center in advance of the program or visit.