Background photo of a student reading in a hammock.
- MotivationMotivation is typically split into two different categories: extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation is derived from pleasure or rewards from external sources. Intrinsic motivation is based on the value we find in our own work. …Continue Reading Motivation
- PerfectionismWhen high standards become unrelenting, they can lead to perfectionism and to behaviors that actually get in the way of achieving your goals and enjoying your Harvard journey….Continue Reading Perfectionism
- ProcrastinationPeople procrastinate for a variety of reasons. Contrary to popular belief, laziness and poor time management skills are not primary causes. Emotional and motivational factors, research indicates, play a bigger role. …Continue Reading Procrastination
- SMART StartSMART Start is an interactive workshop series designed to help incoming Harvard students develop executive functioning skills that encourage persistence and are crucial to college success. …Continue Reading SMART Start
- Test AnxietyTest anxiety can appear before, during, or after an exam. When it rears its ugly head, remember to practice self-compassion, to focus on helpful strategies for success, and to seek help when needed. …Continue Reading Test Anxiety