Engaging with Courses
Background photo of a student raising his hand in class.
- Classroom NormsEach class at Harvard will have its own norms, and often those norms will either be explicitly stated on the syllabus or co-created by the class early in the semester. If you’re unsure of class norms, even after doublechecking the course syllabus, then it’s a good idea to check in with your instructor to find out what they are. …Continue Reading Classroom Norms
- Interacting with InstructorsYou will engage with many different types of instructors at Harvard. They will range from professors to lecturers and preceptors to teaching fellows, teaching assistants, and course assistants. Harvard teaching staff are here to support you and are happy to hear from you! …Continue Reading Interacting with Instructors
- Note-TakingThink about how you take notes during class. Do you use a specific system? Do you feel that system is working for you? What could be improved? How might taking notes during a lecture, section, or seminar be different online versus in the classroom?…Continue Reading Note-Taking
- Office HoursOffice hours are an important part of your learning experience at Harvard – they are a chance to interact with your instructors outside the classroom. While they might seem like an “extra” or optional part of a course, most students find that attending office hours has a positive impact on their classroom experience. Instructors offer different types of office hours, each of which has unique benefits for your learning. …Continue Reading Office Hours
- Preparing for ClassWe often don’t think about preparing for class as being a part of the learning process, but studies have shown that a few simple habits can have a lasting impact on your experience….Continue Reading Preparing for Class
- ReadingReading is one of the most important components of college learning, and yet it’s one we often take for granted. Of course, students who come to Harvard know how to read, but many are unaware that there are different ways to read and that the strategies they use while reading can greatly impact memory and comprehension. Furthermore, students may find themselves encountering kinds of texts…Continue Reading Reading
- Test AnxietyTest anxiety can appear before, during, or after an exam. When it rears its ugly head, remember to practice self-compassion, to focus on helpful strategies for success, and to seek help when needed. …Continue Reading Test Anxiety